当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 常见问题混凝土搅拌机的质量如何保证大家知道吗?
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-04-09   浏览量:0
  The greater characteristic of concrete mixer is that it is temporary and serves specific concrete projects in a specific time. However, some specific projects are prone to quality problems, which will also have a great impact on the project schedule and economic benefits. Therefore, the quality control of Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer is very necessary.
  First of all, the mix proportion of concrete should ensure that the concrete has good performance, such as pumping, mobility, self compacting and so on. Meet the special design requirements of strength and durability of engineering structure. In the design of mix proportion, concrete admixtures such as water reducing agent should be used actively and reasonably to reduce the water consumption of concrete, reduce the water binder ratio and improve the strength of concrete. In order to ensure the strength and performance of concrete, it can significantly improve the compactness of concrete, increase the protection of reinforcement, and reduce the economic cost of concrete.
  Secondly, the management of concrete mixing materials should be strengthened, and the sand and stone yard should have good drainage facilities to avoid water accumulation at the bottom of the water. Cement, fly ash and other powder silos shall be provided with moisture-proof and rainproof measures. Sand and stone shall be stacked separately according to the variety and specification to avoid mixing. All kinds of materials shall have clear marks, especially for the cement, fly ash silo, admixture silo and other materials, so as to prevent wrong materials or pollution.
  Concrete mixer can speed up construction progress, reduce environmental pollution, improve construction conditions, improve project quality and save material cost. However, the quality control of concrete mixer is also an important aspect.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by Zhongke Jufeng factory. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.cnzkjf.cn

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