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来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-04-07   浏览量:0
  1、 To prevent the water tank from blocking during the use of Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer
  1. 混凝土搅拌车每次出料后,用罐车水枪彻底清洗进水口、进水口、叶片、罐体等尾部部位,防止混凝土凝固后积存,难以清理干净。
  1. After each discharge of the concrete mixer, the water gun of the tank car shall be used to thoroughly clean the water inlet, water inlet, blade, tank body and other tail parts, so as to prevent the concrete from accumulating after solidification, which is difficult to clean.
  2. 混凝土搅拌车每天完成运输工作后,向罐体内注入1立方米以上的清洗,并迅速旋转罐体进行清洗。假如有条件的情况下,还可以在鱼缸里加石子,清洗的效果比较好。
  2. After the concrete mixer completes the transportation every day, inject more than 1 cubic meter of cleaning into the tank, and rotate the tank rapidly for cleaning. If there are conditions, you can also add stones in the fish tank, the cleaning effect is better.
  3. Check whether the water in the water tank is still in the full water tank after each vehicle will discharge the discharged materials to the mixing station.
  4. Because each transport material is different, it is possible that the quality of each transport concrete will change. When the loading materials leave the site, it is necessary to check the frangibility and collapse degree of the concrete in the tank, so as to avoid the early segregation, precipitation and condensation of the concrete.
  5. 一般情况下,混凝土的运输距离不超过20公里。行车时应提前确定路线,避免长时间在路上行驶。
  5. Generally, the transportation distance of concrete shall not exceed 20km. When driving, determine the route in advance to avoid driving on the road for a long time.
  6. If there are some irresistible factors in the transportation process or it is considered that there is no discharge for a long time, the specific situation of the water tank shall be observed at any time. If there is a specific condensation, it shall be unloaded immediately to prevent the tank setting of the concrete mixer truck from leading to scrap.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng concrete mixer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.cnzkjf.cn

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