Yes, the mixer truck usually does not start during the material receiving process. In traditional mixer truck design, the mixing drum is located at the rear of the vehicle and can be poured into the mixing drum by manual or mechanical equipment. In this case, the mixer truck does not need to be started, only needs to remain stopped and wait for the addition of concrete raw materials.
然而,现代化的搅拌车也有一些特殊设计,使其能够在接料过程中保持发动。这种设计通常被称为自上料搅拌车(self-loading mixer truck)。自上料搅拌车具有一个装料斗,可以通过液压系统将混凝土原料从地面或其他容器中自动装载到搅拌桶中。在这种情况下,搅拌车需要发动以提供液压动力和驱动力,以便进行装料和搅拌操作。

However, modern mixer trucks also have some special designs that enable them to maintain start-up during the feeding process. This design is commonly referred to as a self loading mixer truck. The self loading mixer truck has a loading hopper that can automatically load concrete raw materials from the ground or other containers into the mixing bucket through a hydraulic system. In this case, the mixer truck needs to be started to provide hydraulic power and driving force for loading and mixing operations.
In summary, whether the mixer needs to be started during the material receiving process depends on the specific design and function. Generally speaking, traditional mixing trucks do not need to be started when receiving materials, while self loading mixing trucks may need to be started to complete automatic loading operations.
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