Oxidation of paint surface: Under strong ultraviolet radiation, the car film of a small mixer truck will continuously evaporate oil to protect itself. Over time, it will lead to excessive loss of oil on the paint surface, forming an oxide layer in the air, and affecting the brightness and glossiness of the paint surface. At this point, phenomena such as blackening, whitening, and lack of gloss can be clearly observed in the car paint. If the situation is more severe, it can be treated by polishing and polishing.
Traffic film: Small mixer trucks are prone to generating static electricity due to friction during operation, which can absorb a large amount of dust and oil. Long term exposure to the surface can form a strong 'traffic film', leading to oxidation and corrosion of the paint surface. Grinding and polishing the vehicle can effectively solve this situation.

Cracks: Some car owners often overlook the surface care of paint. The working environment of small mixer trucks is very special. Metallic paint may produce some subtle cracks that will continuously penetrate downwards, and in severe cases, it will penetrate the entire colored paint layer. Poor quality of heavy paint can also lead to this issue. If the car owner discovers that the body is cracked, it is recommended to wax it regularly and keep it properly.
Fading: Air pollution is the main cause of car paint fading. The difference between fading and oxidation is that the fading of automotive coatings can lead to uneven body color. If the degree is relatively light, simple grinding and polishing can be carried out. If the color fades severely, it must be repainted.
Traces on the body: Minor corrosion marks caused by bird droppings, tar, etc. can be polished; Watermarks formed by oxidation and long-term use of chemical reagents can be treated by waxing and polishing. In severe cases, repainting is necessary; Fine scratch marks caused by friction are usually removed by professional polishing methods.
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