当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 行业动态中科聚峰自上料搅拌车发动机散热器的维护措施是什么?
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-03-24   浏览量:0
  The correct use of engine radiator of zhongkejufeng self loading mixer is conducive to the smooth construction and can improve the work efficiency of the project. If not properly used, it will damage the mechanical part of the equipment and reduce its service life. What are the maintenance measures for the engine radiator of the automatic feeding mixer? It is necessary to operate in strict accordance with the operation instructions when using the heavy-duty mixer. Generally, if the temperature of the automatic feeding mixer is too high in summer, it should be stopped immediately, and it can be used again after the temperature drops. Today, let Xiaobian briefly introduce the use and maintenance measures of the engine radiator of the automatic charging mixer.
  1、 Operation and maintenance measures of engine radiator of automatic loading mixer.
  1. 软化后,建议使用软水和硬水,防止内部堵塞和结垢。
  1. After softening, it is recommended to use soft water and hard water to prevent internal blockage and scaling.
  2. 安装散热器时,不要损坏散热器(部分)和保险杠散热器。这保证了散热和密封。
  2. When installing radiator, do not damage radiator (part) and bumper radiator. This ensures heat dissipation and sealing.
  3. When using antifreeze, please use the long-term antirust antifreeze produced by conventional manufacturers, and meet the national standards to prevent radiator corrosion.
  4. 备用散热器的有效环境必须保持通风和干燥。
  4. The effective environment of standby radiator must be ventilated and dry.
  5. 在日常使用中一定要检查水位,冷却后要停止进水。慢慢打开水箱盖,同时加水。远离工人,避免喷涂或燃烧高压蒸汽油。
  5. The water level must be checked in daily use, and the water shall be stopped after cooling. Slowly open the water tank cover and add water at the same time. Keep away from workers and avoid spraying or burning high-pressure gasoline.
  What are the operation and maintenance measures for the radiator of agitator engine?
  6. 不要暴露在酸、碱或其他腐蚀性物质的自装式小型搅拌器散热器。
  6. Do not expose to acid, alkali or other corrosive substances.
  7. 水位计应每3个月或根据实际情况清洗一次。必须用温水和无腐蚀性清洁剂清洗部件。
  7. The water level gauge shall be cleaned every 3 months or according to the actual situation. Components must be cleaned with warm water and a non corrosive cleaner.
  8. 在冬季,水箱盖和排水开关用于释放所有的水,以防止由于长时间和间接停机而导致的堆芯冻结。
  8. In winter, the water tank cover and drain switch are used to release all water to prevent core freezing due to long and indirect shutdown.
  9. 根据实际情况,用户需要彻底清洁散热器1-3个月。清洗时,用清水沿对面入口冲洗。
  9. According to the actual situation, the user needs to thoroughly clean the radiator for 1-3 months. When cleaning, wash with clear water along the opposite entrance.
  10. 当散热器完全空和满,首先关闭排水管开关上的发动机块。当水开始流动,再次关闭它,以防止气泡。
  10. When the radiator is completely empty and full, first close the engine block on the drain switch. When water begins to flow, close it again to prevent air bubbles.
  二、自动上料搅拌车发动机散热器的维护和测试程序1. 电池保养检查:检查电池是否牢固。
  2、 Maintenance and test procedures for engine radiator of automatic loading mixer 1. Battery maintenance and inspection: check whether the battery is firm.
  2. 轮胎检查:每月在室温下检查轮胎压力。
  2. Tire inspection: check tire pressure at room temperature every month.
  3. Check the water level of clutch main pump: the water level of high-low clutch is normal. If it is lower than the standard line, the main pump or pump bowl may be damaged.
  4. 检查制动液液位:制动液从高到低正常。
  4. Check the brake fluid level: the brake fluid is normal from high to low.
  5. 发动机冷却液液位检查:当发动机很热时,不要打开散热器盖。否则,它可能会导致冷却剂或热蒸汽飞溅燃烧。发动机冷却后,确保冷却剂的水平是在充分和低之间。如果没有,你需要添加蒸馏水或纯净水或冷冻液体。加水后的液体高度不应超过满水位。如果发现冷却剂在短时间内迅速减少,则从进料开始的微型搅拌器检查程序应检查冷却系统是否有泄漏或检查服务台。
  5. Engine coolant level check: do not open the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Otherwise, it may cause splashing combustion of coolant or hot steam. After the engine cools, make sure that the coolant level is between full and low. If not, you need to add distilled or purified water or frozen liquid. The liquid height after adding water shall not exceed the full water level. If the coolant is found to decrease rapidly in a short period of time, the micro agitator inspection procedure starting from the feed should check the cooling system for leaks or check the service desk.
  3、 In the process of using the auto mixer engine radiator incorrectly, the auto mixer engine has a key influence on the application program. There are many friends who are familiar with the auto feeder truck engine, but also have many disadvantages. Many auto feeders destroy our shortcomings and are familiar with the form of care. It has a good impact to be familiar with the application of auto life care accurately.
  Some drivers think that the engine temperature is not low, so the engine thermostat is automatically deleted. The coolant can only cycle at night, and the cooling intensity cannot be adjusted. Therefore, the engine usually works under high temperature conditions, resulting in the loss of rights, wear, increased fuel consumption, etc. In fact, high temperature is harmful to the engine. The application example of the automatic feeding mixer should be set at the same room temperature to ensure the service life of the engine.
  以上是中科聚峰自动上料搅拌车厂家为大家介绍的相关内容,想要了解更多内容,欢迎访问网站:http://www.cnzkjf.cn/The above is the relevant content introduced by the manufacturer of Zhongke Jufeng automatic loading mixer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.cnzkjf.cn/

莱州中科聚峰机械有限公司 电话:15053524111 地址:山东省莱州市206国道与308省道交叉口东南50米