1. Chassis system: the main component of the self-loading mixing truck. The transportation of the whole self-loading mixing truck is realized on site.
2. Supporting wheel system: the part connecting the rear of the automatic feeding mixing drum and the subframe, mainly supporting the roller body.
3.搅拌桶:搅拌桶是全自动给料搅拌机的关键部分,是储存混凝土的容器,对防止混凝土的凝固和离析起着决定性的作用。 管内有叶片,主要起到搅拌和引导物料的作用。
3. Mixing bucket: The mixing bucket is the key part of the fully automatic feeding mixer and the container for storing concrete, which plays a decisive role in preventing the solidification and segregation of concrete. There are blades in the pipe, which mainly play the role of mixing and guiding materials.
4. Discharge system: mainly composed of main discharge chute, auxiliary discharge chute, locking rod, etc. The auxiliary discharge chute can extend the main discharge chute.
5. Circuit system: mainly refers to the whole circuit, including the tail lamp, side marker lamp, corridor lamp, cooling fan motor, etc. of the vehicle.

6.副车架:自动喂料搅拌机的副车架是主要的承重部件,几乎所有运行过程中的载荷都被支撑并通过底架传递到机架上。 自上料搅拌运输车的副车架在减轻道路颠簸和减速造成的冲击载荷方面也起着作用。
6. Sub-frame: The sub-frame of the automatic feeding mixer is the main load-bearing component. Almost all loads during operation are supported and transferred to the frame through the underframe. The subframe of the self-feeding mixing truck also plays a role in reducing the impact load caused by road bumps and deceleration.
7. Operating system: The operating system of the self-feeding mixing truck is composed of a controller, a connecting rod shaft, a flexible shaft and a connecting rod mechanism, which mainly controls the speed and direction of the mixing drum.
8.液压传动系统:将取力器输出的发动机动力转换成液压能(排量和压力),然后通过电动机作为机械能(速度和扭矩)输出,为混合旋转提供动力 鼓。
8. Hydraulic transmission system: convert the engine power output by the power take-off into hydraulic energy (displacement and pressure), and then output it as mechanical energy (speed and torque) through the motor to provide power drum for mixed rotation.
9.上料系统:主要由上料斗和支架组成。 进料斗由于撞击而更易磨损,并且该材料需要良好的耐磨性。 托架主要起到减小冲击力的作用。
9. Feeding system: mainly composed of feeding hopper and support. The feed hopper is more prone to wear due to impact, and the material needs good wear resistance. The bracket is mainly used to reduce the impact force.
10.清洁系统:清洁系统主要由压力水箱,水枪,水管,阀门等组成。使用气压供水,主要功能是在装载物料,混合桶和 卸料后将其放到卸料箱中,以防止混凝土粘结。
10. Cleaning system: the cleaning system is mainly composed of pressure water tank, water gun, water pipe, valve, etc. The main function of pneumatic water supply is to put the materials into the unloading box after loading, mixing and unloading to prevent concrete from binding.