当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 常见问题自进料混凝土搅拌车和传统搅拌车有什么区别?
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2021-09-23   浏览量:0
Self feeding concrete mixer is a mixer that can load, mix and transport, while the traditional mixer is only a vehicle for transporting mixed concrete. Let me tell you the difference between self feeding concrete mixer and traditional mixer.
1. Cost saving: in addition to the above, it can save labor costs, but also save a lot of material costs. After all, the current commercial concrete price is not low. C30 concrete is about 300 yuan (there are differences in prices in different places).
2. High efficiency: like Lutun automatic loading mixer, the discharge volume is about 20 square meters per hour and about 500 tons of concrete per day. However, if it is manual mixing, the concrete that can be mixed in an hour is limited. Even the mixer is much less efficient than the automatic feeding mixer.
3. Strong practicability: automatic feeding mixer can be used in building roads, bridges, houses, floors, slopes, foundations, etc. As long as it is a project that needs concrete, its practicability is as high as 100%. In addition, most of the engineering projects are in the mountainous field, and some are even in the plateau grassland. The automatic feeding mixer can also adapt well, with obvious characteristics such as strong power, low torque, four-wheel steering, two-way driving and so on.
4、安 全性高:因为后重太大,传统搅拌车爬坡存在很大安 全隐患。自动上料搅拌车车身结构及配重设计合理,行走稳定,安 全系数高。
4. High safety: because the rear weight is too large, there are great potential safety hazards when climbing the slope of traditional mixer truck. The body structure and counterweight design of the automatic feeding mixer are reasonable, the walking is stable and the safety factor is high.
The above is the relevant content introduced by Xiaobian to Daji. I hope it can help you. More content can be directly concerned http://www.cnzkjf.cn , the customer will answer for you online now.

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