Concrete mixer truck is composed of truck chassis and special equipment for concrete mixing and transportation. The chassis of the concrete mixer truck produced in our country mostly adopts the class II general chassis provided by the vehicle manufacturer, and its special mechanism mainly includes the power take-off, the front and rear supports of the mixing drum, the reducer, the hydraulic system, the mixing drum, the operating mechanism, the cleaning system, etc. So, what are the key points of concrete mixer truck purchase?
Key point 1: reliable use
混凝土装入车内以后,要求在2h或更短的时间内卸到工作面上,在此期间必 须不停地搅拌。如果在规定时间内不能运到工地或因各种原因停止搅拌,车内混凝土就会报废,严重的会导致混凝土凝固在车内,造成搅拌运输车报废。这对搅拌运输车的可靠性提出了严格的要求,不允许搅拌运输车在工作时发生停机的故障。因此混凝土搅拌车选型首先要考虑的就是车辆必 须十分可靠,关键部位如发动机和传动一驱动装置发生故障的可能性要越低越好。
After the concrete is loaded into the truck, it is required to be unloaded to the working face within 2 hours or less, and must be continuously mixed during this period. If the concrete cannot be transported to the construction site within the specified time or the mixing is stopped for various reasons, the concrete in the truck will be scrapped. In serious cases, the concrete will solidify in the truck and the truck will be scrapped. This puts forward strict requirements for the reliability of the mixer truck, and does not allow the mixer truck to stop when it is working. Therefore, the first consideration of concrete mixer selection is that the vehicle must be very reliable, and the lower the possibility of failure of key parts such as engine and transmission drive device, the better.

Key point 2: the loading capacity should be appropriate
理论上说,运输车辆的装载量越大,运输效率越高,但这也会导致车辆购置成本直线上升和通过性下降。装载量为8~9m。8×4底盘的混凝土搅拌车要比装载量为6~7m。6×4底盘的价格贵309/5~40%,同时,建筑工地一般地域狭小,临时施工道路路况很差,大车尤其是半挂车行动不便的问题必 须充分考虑到。因此,确定车辆的装载量时一定要综合考虑各方面的因素,不可顾此失彼。
In theory, the larger the loading capacity of transport vehicles, the higher the transport efficiency, but it will also lead to a sharp rise in vehicle purchase cost and a decline in trafficability. The loading capacity is 8-9m. eight × The specific loading capacity of concrete mixer truck with 4 chassis is 6-7m. six × The price of chassis is 309 / 5 ~ 40%. At the same time, the construction site is generally narrow, the road condition of temporary construction road is very poor, and the problem of big car, especially semi-trailer, is inconvenient to move must be fully considered. Therefore, when determining the loading capacity of the vehicle, we must take all factors into consideration.
选购要点三:机构设计合理,操作方便,混凝土贮罐卸料彻 底
Key points of purchase: reasonable mechanism design, convenient operation and complete discharge of concrete storage tank
这些使用中经常遇到的问题也必 须考虑到。比如若卸料不完全,留在罐内的混凝土就会越积越多,使贮罐容量减小,并且清理十分困难。
These problems often encountered in use must also be considered. For example, if the discharge is not complete, more and more concrete will be left in the tank, which will reduce the capacity of the tank and make the cleaning very difficult.
Purchase point 4: good after-sales service
混凝土搅拌车是一种专用重型车辆,保有量少,配件来源少,与一般通用汽车相比,对厂家的售后服务依赖性较大。因此,厂家是否能提供方便快捷可靠的售后服务,是选型中必 须考虑的重要因素。
Concrete mixer is a kind of special heavy-duty vehicle, with less ownership and less source of accessories. Compared with general motors, it is more dependent on the manufacturer's after-sales service. Therefore, whether the manufacturer can provide convenient and reliable after-sales service is an important factor that must be considered in the selection.
选购要点五:价 格要合理
Purchase point 5: the price should be reasonable
On the premise of meeting the above requirements, the price factor will be considered. The concrete mixer with 6-7m loading capacity and rear double axle chassis is the model with high performance price ratio, followed by the semi-trailer with 10-12m loading capacity and the semi-trailer with 8-10m8 loading capacity × 4. The performance price ratio of chassis is low. Therefore, 6-7m concrete mixer is generally selected. In addition, in order to meet the needs of individual large projects, a small number of 10-12m semitrailers can be appropriately equipped. In this way, all kinds of needs can be taken into account, which is a more reasonable configuration.