According to the practical requirements of the data collection terminal of the automatic concrete mixer, and considering the universality of the module, the technical indicators of the terminal are confirmed as follows.
(1) Module operation voltage: the operation voltage of the terminal comes from the vehicle battery, generally 12V or 24V, and the module voltage should be less than the power supply voltage;
(2) Communication method: wireless network and SMS can be used for communication;

(3)终端在线率:为了保证终端与监控中 心数据沟通的实时性,终端应坚持高在线率;
(3) Terminal online rate: in order to ensure the real-time data communication between the terminal and the monitoring center, the terminal should adhere to the high online rate;
(4) Packet loss rate: packet loss rate refers to the ratio of the number of lost packets to the number of sent packets in the test. In order to reduce the packet loss rate, it can be considered in the planning that when the wireless transmission module cannot connect to the network, resulting in the terminal unable to log in to the system, the data will be sent to the server after the wireless transmission module is out of the blind area;
(5)定位精确度:混凝土全自动搅拌车车辆监控调度体系的电子地图精度数量级是米,我国二级路途的规范宽度为30~60m,假如要对混凝土全自动搅拌车车辆进行精 确的监控,定位精度需控制在30m以内,不然,当两条路途的间隔过近时,就或许呈现定位过错,即正在某条公路上行进的车辆被定为在路途外或其它路途上;
(5) Positioning accuracy: the accuracy of the electronic map of the automatic concrete mixer vehicle monitoring and dispatching system is in the order of meters. The standard width of the secondary road in China is 30 ~ 60m. If the automatic concrete mixer vehicle is to be monitored accurately, the positioning accuracy should be controlled within 30m. Otherwise, when the distance between the two roads is too close, the positioning fault may appear, That is to say, the vehicles moving on a certain road are classified as on the road or on other roads;
Technical index confirmation of data collection terminal on truck of automatic concrete mixer
(6) Backup battery: when the main power supply is blocked artificially or accidentally, the backup battery is used as the terminal power supply;
(7) Operating temperature scale: the terminal operates outdoors and reciprocates between the mixing station and the construction site. The environment is harsh. The terminal should be able to operate normally when the temperature scale is between - 20 ℃ and 70 ℃;
Technical index confirmation of data collection terminal on truck of automatic concrete mixer
(8) Terminal scale: the terminal is installed in the automatic concrete mixer, so the scale should not be too large, so the volume of the vehicle terminal should be reduced as much as possible;
(9) Terminal components and power consumption: in order to fit the development trend of modern vehicle products, terminals should be planned with small components and low power consumption