The emergence and application of automatic feeding mixer can provide a lot of convenience for all kinds of engineering construction. These are the credit of automatic feeding mixer, which improves the operation efficiency of the equipment in the degree of application. If the operator wants to ensure the operation function of the automatic feeding mixer, one of the important accessories is the transmission shift machine. If each accessory is used for a long time, there will be some problems. How to repair it after it is damaged?
Automatic feeding mixer
1. When the clutch of the power shift transmission is engaged, the pressure of the hydraulic oil overcomes the tension spring force to compress the conflict plate. With the increase of the hydraulic oil pressure, the collision plate contacts with the metal plate and gradually compresses, which makes the clutch transfer the flywheel power to the transmission shaft smoothly.
Each shift, the conflict plate and the steel plate conflict, the heat generated by the coolant sent out. When the conflict plate and steel plate become thinner, in order to make them fully engage, more hydraulic oil is needed. The engine must be further accelerated, and the slipping time of the conflict plate on the steel plate will also be prolonged, resulting in more conflict heat, which will promote the temperature of the hydraulic oil to be added. When the temperature is enough to change the function of the seal in the transmission, the transmission will leak internally.
The internal leakage causes heat addition continuously from two aspects: high pressure oil leaks through the damaged seal, so that the oil temperature continues to rise; because of oil leakage, the hydraulic pump is necessary to deliver more oil to ensure the pressure required to engage the clutch, so that the clutch is fully engaged, which also requires the engine to continue to accelerate, so that the hydraulic pump has a greater flow. Such a vicious cycle will lead to overheating or burning of the clutch until complete failure.
2. When the loader cannot walk or the oil temperature is too high, it is necessary to judge whether the clutch piston seal is not tight or caused by the lack of oil pressure. However, it is difficult to determine which reason is caused by conventional detection methods, especially in the case of no power, it is more difficult to check the seal rings of the assembled transmission assembly.
At this point, a pneumatic valve can be used for testing. First of all, remove the transmission control valve of the automatic charging mixer truck (before installing the control valve for the assembled transmission), and then pass 0.6-0.8 MPa gas into each oil hole of the transmission in turn. If there is a sound of "bang" and there is no air leakage or very small air leakage sound when a certain hole is filled with gas, the seal between the corresponding clutch piston and cylinder barrel is good If the sound of the piston pressing the collision plate is not heard and the air leakage sound is large, the seal between the clutch piston and cylinder barrel is invalid, and the seal should be replaced.