The mixer track must be well known to all. Mixer truck is used in many places, and mixer truck also plays a very important role. When using small mixer tracks, such as mixer tracks, corresponding problems always occur. Some small mixer drivers reported that buying the same mixer at the same time with friends would cause engine problems after using the car for a period of time, but the engine in friends' cars was very good. Why did the mixer engine break so quickly? The manufacturer of full-automatic concrete mixer let us see if it is used improperly or there is a problem with the vehicle itself.
1. Improper use of maintenance data of concrete mixer

In the maintenance of mixer truck, the failure to select maintenance data scientifically is an important reason for premature damage of parts. For example, the width of the contact surface between the valve and the valve seat is specified as 1.2.2 mm for the inlet valve and mm for the exhaust valve, but in actual maintenance, the width is greater than the larger width. This needs to be done. The width is very narrow.
Many people say this is good, and usually choose the upper limit as the upper limit or close to the upper limit. The width of the valve working surface of the newly repaired vehicle is close to its service limit, so this is the upper limit. Another example is the valve foot clearance. Vehicles are usually specified as 0.2-0.25 mm. However, the maintenance adjustment considers that the clearance is larger than the smaller clearance. Therefore, if the gap exceeds the upper limit, the gap is actually too large, which not only reduces the engine power, but also causes initial damage due to impact.
2. Crush the valve of the concrete mixer smoothly
In order to maintain a small mixer trajectory, if the valve has ablation, pits or dents, it usually needs to be polished with a polishing grinder. In the process of operation, we should pay attention to four problems. First, check the valve head and stem. Concentric circles, otherwise you need to fix them first. Next, suppose you can polish the cone, you need to make the smooth car as small as possible. Next, you need to polish the surface. The fourth aspect should be raised as much as possible to smooth the concave end of the valve stem.