1、 Don't drive a new car too fast at the initial stage. The speed is 40-60 km; In addition, the engine tachometer and speedometer are used to make the mixer speed and speed lower than medium speed.
2: Attention should also be paid to the oil used in the mixer: the oil used in the new mixer is the oil from the manufacturer. After the mixer starts, it needs to wait for a few minutes to drive, and accelerate after the water temperature reaches a certain temperature. When driving, you should choose a smooth road, keep driving at a medium speed, do not accelerate or brake hard, step on the accelerator lightly, and pay attention to the sound and temperature of the mobilizer.

3: Don't take emergency braking for the mixer: to prevent the chassis and mobilization machine of the full-automatic concrete mixer from being overloaded, so don't accelerate and brake in the first few hundred kilometers. In case of emergency, first step on the clutch pedal and stop the brake
4: If the new mixer is fully loaded, it will cause damage to the body parts: in the first 1000 kilometers, the mixer should not be too full, just wait until the new car runs through the running in period. If the new mixer is fully loaded, it will make the time of the mobilization machine continue to grow, causing wear and tear of the parts, and the new car should not drive too long before it runs through the running in period.
5: When driving, the automatic concrete mixer should shift gears in real time: start at low gear first, run 2 miles and then shift into high gear. The water temperature of the mixer should not be too high. It should be controlled at a constant temperature. It is necessary to shift gears in real time during driving. Do not use one gear for a long time. Try not to use high gear and low speed driving or low gear and high speed driving. Shift from low speed to run for a period of time, the speed should not be higher than 4000 rpm, the speed of each gear should run, and the brake pedal should be pressed moderately and evenly at high speed until the speed is reduced. Run to a certain number of kilometers to regular maintenance, oil to use a little better, in the future run to a certain number of kilometers and then according to the needs of the mixer in the maintenance.