Automatic concrete mixer is more flexible and compact than traditional mixer, which can produce concrete automatically. At present, the market coverage is increasing. However, we have noticed that many customers are worried that the full-automatic concrete mixer can not adapt to mountain projects. For this question, we will give an answer next.
First of all, it is certain that the concrete mixer truck can be used in mountainous areas, and its own conditions are enough to make it "affordable" in mountainous areas.
1. No electricity, high automation program

实际今日,许多偏远山区仍然电力落后,山区工程想要用混凝土太难。但全自动混凝土搅拌车能脱离电力限 制,无需用电就能搅制出混凝土,只要原料够足,需要多少混凝土在偏远山区都可以实现,每天高可达200方。
In fact, many remote mountainous areas are still backward in power supply, and it is too difficult to use concrete for mountainous projects. But the automatic concrete mixer can break away from the power limit, and it can produce concrete without electricity. As long as the raw materials are enough, the amount of concrete needed can be achieved in remote mountainous areas, up to 200 cubic meters per day.
2、车身小巧,灵 活性强
2. The body is small and flexible
The body of automatic concrete mixer is usually very small, such as automatic concrete mixer, although there are different types of mixer, the length is basically between 4-8M (articulated mixer is longer than integral mixer), the width is within 3M, and the height is between 2.8-3.6m, which can adapt to the narrow environment of mountain road in mountain area, Both articulated concrete mixer and integral concrete mixer can operate flexibly and stably, and can adapt to the bumps in mountainous areas.
3. Off road 4WD, steel tire
Full automatic concrete mixer truck such as Luzhou full-automatic concrete mixer truck adopts full-time off-road four-wheel drive, with sufficient power, strong controllability, strong stability when climbing in mountainous areas, and can climb 30 meters °, The steel tire is wear-resistant and durable, with strong grip, and can well adapt to the gradient mountain road.
在山区,能适应山路的狭窄、能适应山路的颠簸、适应山路的坡度、脱离电力的限 制,灵活、稳固、动力足,还能自给自足,当然是适应山区工程的。
In the mountainous area, it can adapt to the narrow mountain road, the bumpy mountain road, the slope of the mountain road and the limitation of electric power. It is flexible, stable, dynamic and self-sufficient. Of course, it is suitable for mountain engineering.
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