当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 新闻资讯自上料搅拌车侧向倾斜的解决办法
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-11-13   浏览量:0
首要将中科自动上料搅拌车置于硬地上,使其坚持水平,并将泵机的4个支腿的定位销和安全销锁紧,使得轮胎脱离地上或卸掉轮胎。在搅拌车的出料口和混凝土输送泵泵机料斗之间做一溜槽,使搅拌车卸出的料通过溜槽进进泵机的料斗。 溜槽一般用角钢作骨架,由1.5mm厚的钢板焊接而成。溜槽下面用支撑架起,使之结实。对溜槽,恳求斜度恰当,歪斜视点为25度-40度,溜槽与泵机料斗之间要留有必定的空间,便于清洗料斗和筛子。
First of all, the Zhongke automatic loading mixer truck is placed on the hard ground to keep it level, and the positioning pins and safety pins of the four legs of the pump are locked to make the tires off the ground or unload the tires. A chute is made between the discharge port of the mixer truck and the hopper of the concrete pump, so that the discharged material from the mixer truck enters the hopper of the pump through the chute. The chute is generally made of angle steel and welded from 1.5mm thick steel plate. The chute is supported to make it strong. For the chute, the angle of inclination should be appropriate, and the best deviation angle should be 25-40 degrees. There should be a certain space between the chute and the pump hopper to facilitate the cleaning of the hopper and screen.
其次, 如果由中科自动上料搅拌车供料的混凝土输送泵,可就地设备,只要是能便当接纳和喂料就可以,假设是现场搅拌混凝土的供料,首要应根据场所和搅拌车的上料办法来判定搅拌车的方位,再根据搅拌车的卸料高度和适于混凝土输送泵泵送及接纳的恳求,来判定泵机的方位。臂架在工作的时分,PLC仍会时间监控整车的稳定性,发现四条支腿出现不稳定情况时,臂架会自动中止向危险的方向运动,一同宣布警示,最大极限的保证安全。

Secondly, If the concrete pump supplied by Zhongke automatic loading mixer truck can be installed locally, as long as it can be easily accepted and fed, assuming that it is the on-site mixing concrete supply, the direction of the mixer truck should be determined according to the place and the loading method of the mixer truck, and then the pump should be determined according to the discharge height of the mixer truck and the request for pumping and receiving of the concrete pump The orientation of the plane. When the boom is working, PLC will still monitor the stability of the whole vehicle. When the four outriggers are found to be unstable, the boom will automatically stop moving in the dangerous direction and announce the warning together, so as to ensure the safety at the maximum limit.
In addition to the electrical control system to end the control mission, Zhongke automatic feeding mixer also has a manual control operating system, which is also a part of the control system. The maintenance method shall be in accordance with the corresponding countermeasures and methods in the maintenance manual. During normal operation, relevant items of pump truck before and after operation shall be inspected.
According to the above method, we can prevent the dumping of Zhongke automatic feeding mixer truck. When operating, we must operate according to the method in the maintenance manual. If the operation error endangers life safety, it will be bad.

莱州中科聚峰机械有限公司 电话:15053524111 地址:山东省莱州市206国道与308省道交叉口东南50米