Due to the great demand for cement concrete in transportation, water conservancy, construction and other occupations, various types of automatic concrete mixer, especially large-scale automatic continuous mixing equipment, have been widely used. Mixing blade and mixer lining plate are easily worn parts in mixing equipment. Advancing their anti-wear function, extending the replacement cycle, advancing mixing power and obvious economic benefits. Cement concrete is composed of cement, water, sand, stone and admixtures. Compared with the lining plate of ball mill, the impact force on the ten pieces and lining plate of mixer II is much smaller, but the lining plate wall is thinner (at the mercy of 10him). In order to ensure that the handling and device process will not crack, it is required to have satisfactory patience.

The damage method is wet wear. The potential difference between M7C3 carbide and matrix of wear-resistant skeleton phase in l5cr series high chromium cast iron is large. Under the wet wear condition, the matrix structure of the liner will suffer electrochemical corrosion. Because the surrounding corroded matrix can not well support and maintain the carbide, the carbide is broken or dropped due to the effect of shear force during wear, which can not show the anti-wear function.
从前试用28CrMo2Cu ̄质衬板,运用效果非常好。可是由于钼是宝贵金属,使其运用遭到限制。相比之下,中国锰资源丰富,锰铁价格低廉笔者有在15Cr高铬铸铁中以锰代钼的成功运用经历J这篇文章经过28cr铸铁以锰代钼实验,并与别的几种常用耐磨材料进行抗腐蚀性、抗磨性对比,企图挑选一种既经济又具有抗腐蚀磨损功能的搅拌机衬板质料。
In the past, 28crmo2cu  ̄ quality lining board was tried, and the application effect was very good. However, because molybdenum is a precious metal, its application is limited. In contrast, China is rich in manganese resources and the price of ferromanganese is low. The author has the successful application experience of substituting manganese for molybdenum in 15Cr high chromium cast iron. J this paper attempts to select a kind of mixer lining material with both economic and anti-corrosion wear function through the experiment of substituting manganese for molybdenum in 28Cr cast iron and the comparison of corrosion and wear resistance with several other common wear-resistant materials.