The importance of mixer chassis to small-scale automatic concrete mixer, the national road engineering construction is increasingly perfect, and the road construction projects of various provinces and cities in China are also increasing. The pothole road situation is also a great test for the chassis of flat truck. It is the so-called "car rotten first rotten bottom", small concrete mixer chassis protection is very important. Many car owners only pay attention to film, glaze, floor glue and so on after buying flat cars, but few people will consider taking some protective measures for the chassis of small concrete mixer.

对于混凝土搅拌车等工程车来说,底盘能确保车辆和车主的安 全。许多懂车的朋友在二手车市场上挑选二手车辆时,就是通过判断车辆的底盘成色好坏,来直观的判断该车成色的标准。一般新车出厂时都会喷涂防锈底漆,但一段时间后还是会慢慢氧化。一旦底盘零部件生锈腐蚀,就会导致整车的架构松动,带来安 全隐患,而很多交通事故都由底盘松动所导致。
For engineering vehicles such as concrete mixer, chassis can ensure the safety of vehicles and owners. Many people who know how to use a car in the second-hand car market choose a second-hand car by judging the quality of the chassis of the car. Generally, new cars will be sprayed with anti rust primer when they leave the factory, but it will be oxidized slowly after a period of time. Once the chassis parts are rusted and corroded, the structure of the whole vehicle will be loose, which will bring about potential safety hazards. Many traffic accidents are caused by the chassis looseness.
Many people ignore the repair and maintenance of the chassis in the process of using small concrete mixer. In fact, according to the reaction of many excavator transport vehicle users, there are always many faults in the later stage due to the lack of timely inspection of the site, so how to maintain the chassis correctly.
There are many small automatic concrete mixers that look bright on the outside, but the chassis has already been corroded and full of holes. This is mainly due to the following reasons: the baking of the surface in summer, the invasion of rain on weekdays, and the moisture and salt in the atmosphere will erode the bottom of the vehicle, leading to the premature aging of the vehicle, The antirust paint and zinc coating inherent in the chassis will be damaged soon, so that the metal will be exposed, which will cause oxidation and rust after contacting with water.
温馨提醒:由于小型混凝土自动搅拌车底盘装甲是对要求非常高的施工项目,不仅需要有 资质的施工技师,而且施工工具对完成施工及其施工质量更是不可或缺,施工过程任何一个环节出错都会直接影响到效果,其后果将直接危及行车。
Warm reminder: as the chassis armor of small automatic concrete mixer is a construction project with very high requirements, not only qualified construction technicians are needed, but also construction tools are indispensable for the completion of construction and construction quality. Any error in any link of the construction process will directly affect the effect, and its consequences will directly endanger the driving.