当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 行业动态混凝土搅拌车工作中轮胎偏磨的原因及解决方法
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-09-28   浏览量:0
Concrete mixer is mainly used in engineering construction, and its working environment is generally poor, such as heavy dust, uneven road, etc., in such a bad environment, the impact on the mixer is very big, such as the tires of the mixer, the uneven road will speed up the wear of the tire, in the four-wheel positioning detection of the mixer, we often meet the driver friend It is required to solve the problem of tire eccentric wear. There are also vehicles in the positioning detection found that the toe in value is too large, after inspection, the tire has been eccentric wear. As far as vehicles are concerned, the eccentric wear of most commercial concrete vehicles is concentrated on the front wheels, and the eccentric wear of the inside of the tires caused by the excessive toe in value of the concrete mixer is common. What is the matter? Now for the concrete mixer tire eccentric wear causes and solutions, mixer manufacturer to do a detailed explanation.
Causes and solutions of tire eccentric wear in concrete mixer
1、 Causes and solutions of tire eccentric wear in concrete mixer
In the four-wheel alignment detection of mixer truck, it is often encountered that the driver friends come to ask for solving the problem of tire eccentric wear. There are also vehicles in the positioning detection found that the toe in value is too large, after inspection, the tire has been eccentric wear. As far as vehicles are concerned, most of the commercial concrete vehicle tire eccentric wear is concentrated in the front wheel, and the concrete mixer with negative toe in value causes the tire inner side eccentric wear.
For the tire eccentric wear of commercial vehicles, some people think that it is caused by the out of tolerance camber angle of concrete mixer wheels, but in fact, the eccentric wear of tires is largely caused by the out of tolerance of toe in value. According to the experience of technicians who have been engaged in four-wheel alignment work for many years and a large number of positioning test data, it is considered that correct toe in value can effectively avoid tire eccentric wear.
It is very rare that tire eccentric wear is caused by out of tolerance of total steering wheel angle, wheel camber angle and kingpin inclination angle. In the actual driving of the mixer manufacturer, the truck crane runs in a straight line most of the time. The total angle of sharp turning, reversing and turning will not be used for a long time, so the eccentric wear caused by it is very small.
The flexibility and random deformation characteristics of this kind of tire in contact with the ground largely offset the tire eccentric wear caused by wheel camber angle, even if the high pressure tire out of tolerance camber angle has little effect on tire wear. For example, we can often see that some empty trucks on the road have specially designed the variable rear wheel camber angle in order to reduce the friction between the wheel and the ground and reduce the rolling resistance, and the camber angle changes greatly to about 10 degrees. According to the observation, this truck did not appear the imagined tire eccentric wear aggravation phenomenon.
Considering from the design, a certain toe in value is set for the truck mounted crane in order to restrain the deflection caused by the wheel camber angle in the straight running. However, due to the existence of various road conditions, bumps, bumps, wear and tear of parts, the original positioning angle of the truck mounted crane will gradually change the original toe in value due to the above reasons. Some values can be felt immediately when driving, such as kingpin caster angle, wheel camber angle and serious rear wheel toe in values.

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