
5.5方平头搅拌车的液压马达是把液体的压力能转换为机械能的装置。 那液压马达有哪些特点呢?

The hydraulic motor of 3.5 square flat head mixer is a device that converts the pressure energy of liquid into mechanical energy. What are the characteristics of the hydraulic motor?
(1) The structure of the hydraulic pump needs to ensure that it has self-priming capacity, but the hydraulic motor does not have this requirement.
(2) The vane pump relies on the centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of the vane and the rotor, which makes the vane always close to the inner surface of the stator, plays the role of sealing oil, and forms the working volume. If it is used as a motor, a spring must be installed at the root of the blade of the hydraulic motor to ensure that the blade is always close to the inner surface of the
stator, so that the motor can start normally.
马达速度很低时,若采用动压轴承,就不易形成润滑滑膜。(3) Hydraulic motor is required to work normally in a wide speed range, so hydraulic bearing or hydrostatic bearing should be used. Because when the motor speed is very low, if the use of dynamic bearing, it is not easy to form lubricating film.
(4) In order to reduce the suction resistance and radial force, the suction port of hydraulic pump is larger than the outlet port. The pressure of the low pressure chamber of the hydraulic motor is slightly higher than the atmospheric pressure, so there is no such requirement.
(5) The hydraulic motor generally needs forward and reverse rotation, so it should have symmetry in the internal structure, while the hydraulic pump generally rotates in one direction, so there is no such requirement.
(6) The hydraulic motor must have a large starting torque. Due to the above different characteristics of hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump, many types of hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump can not be used in reverse.